Thursday, August 03, 2006

West Michigan Politics

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Welcome to my blog. I am an independent (free-thinker) and tend to be a social moderate and and a fiscal conservative. I reside in the very conservative west Michigan area. I chose "Live Free of Die" as my blog name because Americans seem to have forgotten the reasons for forming our federation.

We've witnessed the taking of our rights at the state and national level. I am not speaking of guns and abortion, I am speaking of our rights to free speech and privacy. I am speaking of our right to movement without the threat of police intimidation or questioning. I am speaking of taxation without real representation.

Our elected officials no longer represent us. They represent their own self-interest and that of special interest groups.

If we do not break this cycle of corruption and the stripping away of our rights, our democracy will die.